2023 Winning Wall Print Design

Omgosh, I was in shock when I found out that I was the winner again of the Resene wallpaper competition this year 2023
(I came first in 2021 for scalable mural design too).

I really did not expect this, such a nice surprise and blessing

This was an Australian and New Zealand contest with one winner and two runner ups. I have no idea how many entries there was but apparently this year was the highest number of entries, so it feels pretty rewarding

I entered three designs and my last design happened to be the winning one titled 'Flirtacious Scent'.
The idea behind my artwork is; The Moths are flirting with each other by releasing a specific scent to communicate their attraction for one another.
As my reward I received a large pot filled with chocolate roses and other small goodies, a large life-sized wall print of my design, a $500 Resene paint voucher, $1000 prezzy card
And potentially Resene may make this design available in stores 

Thank you Resene and the Aspiring Walls team

You can read the article below from Habitat Resene.